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Our Sustainability Commitment

At Macfarlane Group we recognise our responsibilities to operate and invest in our business to improve sustainability. We also understand our role in supporting our customers to minimise the impact their operations have on the environment.

At Macfarlane Group we are continuing to play our role, not just by reducing our own impact but also working with our customers and increasingly our suppliers to reduce theirs.

Consequently, we have set targets for reducing Macfarlane Group’s carbon emissions and are focused on implementing initiatives that help our customers achieve their sustainability objectives. These targets and initiatives form part of our sustainability strategy.

Our new Sustainability Strategy helps us focus our efforts on those ESG challenges that are most relevant to our business and where we believe that we can play an important part in the broader transition that will be required. All of this will be underpinned by staying true to our values, being honest about our achievements as well as the challenges ahead and by holding ourselves to account through independent scrutiny and leading accreditation

You can find out more below, or click here to download a complete copy of our latest sustainability report.

Our 2023 Sustainability highlights

Annual CO2 reduction - blue skies

CO2 reduction

37% reduction in carbon emissions intensity since 2019.

22% reduction in absolute carbon emissions since 2019.

Solar panels

4 onsite solar panel arrays in operation

Macfarlane - Charitable donations

Volunteer days

Macfarlane Group colleagues donated over 750 hours of their time to charitable causes through their paid volunteer days in 2023.

Innovation Lab

200+ customer engagements with our Innovation Lab team.

Helping our customers

Our customers

Helping customers reduce waste and CO2 through optimised packaging.

Happy customer - customer satisfaction score

Customer satisfaction

60 – our average Net Promoter Score for 2023 (2022:50).

Using energy from renewable sources

89% of our energy now comes from renewable sources. (2022:88%)

Charity partnerships

We have made over 200 deliveries to our strategic charity partners.

Board diversification

One-third of the Macfarlane Group board is now female.

Driver efficiency

11% driver efficient improvement (MPG average 2023 vs 2022)

Accident frequency rate

66% reduction in Accident Frequency Rate since 2016

Gender pay gap

0% gender pay gap

Our Sustainability Strategy

Our sustainability strategy is based around six key pillars. These are split out across the three key areas of environmental, social and governance (‘ESG’) matters that are of most relevance Macfarlane Group.

Reducing the environmental impact of our operations

  • Transforming our operations to minimise the environmental impact for which we are directly responsible.

Supporting our customers

  • Providing our customers with expert and independent advice that they can trust, enabling them to deliver against their own sustainability objectives.

Partnering with suppliers

  • Collaborating with our suppliers to reduce their environmental impact and, over time, pivoting our supply base towards those that can demonstrate the highest standards

Caring for our colleagues

  • Prioritising the wellbeing of our colleagues focusing on colleague development and engagement and striving to create a supportive, safe and inclusive culture.

Investing in the community

  • As a business connected within local communities we will continue to invest in those communities and support our colleagues to do the same.

Doing things the right way

  • We will continue to be led by our core values, embracing best practice for an organisation of our size and maintaining the highest standards of governance

Our Sustainability Report 2023

Our certifications, awards and standards

Sedex Member
Smartest energy logo
iso14001 logo

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