Packaging waste reporting in 2022

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Are you a business that uses packaging materials? If so, now is the time to check if you need to complete packaging waste reporting under the UK packaging producer responsibilities regulations.

packaging waste report

Who do packaging waste reporting obligations apply to?

If your business handles over 50 tonnes of packaging AND turns over more than £2 million per year, you’re classed as a packaging producer.

“Handling” packaging refers to any of the following activities:

  • Producing raw materials for packaging manufacturing
  • Packaging conversion (making raw materials into packaging)
  • Putting goods into packaging or putting packaging around goods
  • Selling packaging
  • Importing packaging or packed goods from outside the UK

So, if you meet these criteria, your business must comply with UK packaging waste responsibilities. These regulations aim to reduce the amount of packaging UK companies are using, as well as packaging’s impact on the environment.

packaging waste report

What do you need to do to comply with packaging waste reporting?

If you haven’t already, you need to register as a packaging producer directly with your relevant environmental regulator or join a compliance scheme. You need to do this by 7th April. Each year, you need to check your registration and make amendments if anything has changed.

You will then need to enter your business information and packaging data into the National Packaging Waste Database (NPWD).

The packaging data you need to describe includes:

  • your main packaging activity, for example, sell packaged goods
  • any secondary packaging activities, for example, import packaging
  • how you worked out how much packaging you handled in the previous year

You must also enter the following information:

  • the amount (in whole tonnes) of packaging you supply to the next stage in the packaging chain or sell to the end user
  • any packaging you import and any packaging around goods you import
  • materials you or another company exports for which you have auditable records

You do not have to include any packaging that’s been used before, unless it’s been imported, and any processed waste.


From 1 January 2021, you must review and report on your recovery and recycling obligations. When you enter your packaging data into the NPWD, it will automatically generate your recycling obligations. All recycling obligations are in line with government targets.

After you have done all this, you need to gain evidence of compliance with your obligations. You need to show evidence of waste packaging recycling and recovery equivalent to the weight of your obligation from accredited re-processors and exporters.

packaging waste report

When does packaging waste reporting need to be completed?

The deadline for packaging waste reporting submission is 31 January, immediately following the end of the calendar compliance year. As part of this submission, you need to include a Certificate of Compliance (CoC). If you’re a directly registered producer, the NPWD will automatically generate this for you. Otherwise, your compliance scheme body can provide the CoC for you.

If you fail to register, make a late submission, OR do not comply, your business could be subject to fines or penalties.

For more information about UK packaging producer responsibilities, click here to visit the Government website.

The Macfarlane Packaging team can help you with packaging use reports, if you have bought packaging from us in the past year. Our online packaging purchasing system Simplicit.e can also generate these for you if you’re registered on the system.


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