How performance stretch film can reduce cost in your packing operation

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Tough trading conditions and high energy prices have made 2023 yet another difficult year for business.  Companies of all sizes constantly look for new ways to reduce costs and maintain a competitive advantage.

If you use stretch film to wrap your pallets and are looking for cost savings, please read on… there may be opportunities to switch materials and bring down the cost of your packing operation.

Performance stretch film, a specialised type of pallet wrap, offers significant cost-saving advantages.

In this article, we’ll uncover how performance stretch film can reduce operating costs by minimising material waste, improving load stability, optimising inventory management, enhancing operational efficiency, and reducing the risk of product damage.

We will cover:

performance stretch wrap

How does performance stretch wrap reduce material waste?

Traditional stretch films require multiple layers of film to be applied to the pallet to achieve a good level of load containment. 

Performance stretch film has superior elongation and cling properties, enabling it to be stretched further with fewer revolutions around the pallet. This reduces the amount of film required to wrap each pallet, reducing material use and, in turn, packaging waste.

The reduction in film required to wrap each pallet not only saves money on packaging material costs and operating expenses but also reduces the tonnage of film entering waste streams. This will reduce your impact on the environment.

The impact of performance stretch wrap on load containment

Traditional stretch films require multiple layers of film to be applied to the pallet to achieve a good level of load containment. 

Performance stretch film has superior elongation and cling properties, enabling it to be stretched further with fewer revolutions around the pallet. This reduces the amount of film required to wrap each pallet, reducing material use and, in turn, packaging waste.

The reduction in film required to wrap each pallet not only saves money on packaging material costs and operating expenses but also reduces the tonnage of film entering waste streams. This will reduce your impact on the environment.

Download our free stretch and pallet wrap guide today! We highlight the different types of film, and help you find the best application method and material for your business!

performance stretch wrap

The knock-on effect of performance stretch wrap on inventory management

Performance stretch wrap can have a positive impact on inventory management.

Firstly, as you are using less film to wrap each pallet, you will purchase and hold less material on site – freeing up warehouse space and reducing cost.

Secondly, the use of performance stretch film can contribute to optimised inventory management of stock. Its excellent load containment properties can provide better stackability, enabling you to achieve higher stacking heights without compromising stability. This maximises warehouse space utilisation, reducing the need for additional storage facilities or costly expansions.

The improved load containment also decreases the likelihood of stockouts caused by damaged inventory.

By optimising inventory management, businesses can reduce carrying costs, improve order fulfilment rates, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

The effect of performance stretch wrap on operational efficiency

Performance stretch film enables faster and more efficient pallet wrapping processes. As less material is used, with fewer rotations around the pallet, it takes much less time to wrap pallets.  Increasing productivity and operation throughput.

Another consideration is the high puncture resistance of performance stretch film, this reduces the occurrence of film breakage or tearing during wrapping, minimising interruptions, and the need for rewrapping.

These efficiency gains lead to continuous improvement in many areas of your business, most of which are identifiability inefficient. These include time savings, streamlined operations, and ultimately, cost reductions.

performance stretch wrap

Is performance stretch wrap right for my business?

If you are shipping out pallets and have an eye for cost reduction then, yes, performance stretch wrap is right for our business.  

We recommend that you engage a stretch wrap expert to take a look at the way you are currently wrapping your pallets and conduct a load containment stretch review. These typically take less than an hour and often, can reduce your stretch wrap use by up to 50%!

Performance stretch film offers a range of cost-saving benefits. By minimising material waste, improving load stability, optimising inventory management, enhancing operational efficiency, and reducing the risk of product damage, performance stretch film can significantly impact operating costs.

Introducing performance stretch film to your packing operation only reduces film consumption and disposal expenses but also improves product integrity, increases productivity, and enhances customer satisfaction.

Embracing performance stretch film as a cost-saving measure is a strategic investment that can enhance the overall profitability and competitiveness of businesses in today’s demanding market.

Macfarlane packaging offers free-of-charge load containment stretch reviews. In under 1 hour, we analyse your film performance, load stability & wrapping costs. As well as recommending the optimal pallet wrapping equipment for your operation.

If you would like to find out more, please visit click here!